Call for Papers
Abstract Submission
Deadline: September 30th, 2024
Thank you very much for your support to Conference of Science & Technology for Integrated Circuits (CSTIC) 2025. Prospective authors are requested to submit an abstract clearly describe the nature, scope, content, organization, key points, significance of the proposed paper, and word limit to 1000. The abstract must clearly describe the nature, scope, content, organization, key points and significance of the proposed paper.
To submit your abstract on-line, please following the steps showing as below...
Name of Program: **
Title of Paper: **
First Name: **
Last Name: **
Company Name: **
Job Title: **
Country/District: Mainland China Taiwan China HongKong China Korea US Japan EU others**
Full Address:
Telephone: **
Office Phone:
Email Address: **
Name of Symposium:
Please download the Abstract Template here: Abstract& Bio Template.doc ( Word 28KB)
Please upload your Abstract& Bio here:
(Less than 1MB, if your abstract file is more than 1MB in size or you prefer to submit in PDF version, please submit the author information via this website and send your abstract file to Please close the file before uploading)
Preferred Method of Presentation**
When you submit your abstract, please indicate your preferred method of presentation:
Oral Presentation Preferred Poster Presentation Preferred
The best abstract submissions will be given an option for oral presentation, and the attendance on the conference is a must. All others that are accepted will be poster presentations at the poster session. All persons submitting an abstract must register and submit payment before the conference.
I want to apply the SSEA Award.
Best Student Paper Awards
Best Young Engineer Paper Awards
If you have any problem for submitting your abstract, please send by email to